In the previous section, I have discussed about Built-in Data Types in depth. Now, let's taste the flavors of Variables and literals, with a in depth introduction. Variables A Variable provide us with named memory storage, i.e. a storage in our so called RAM with a particular name (usually we give the name), We can write, modify and use this storage with the help of associated name (variable). Each variable in C++ is associated with some specific data type, like Built-in data types that we previously discussed. There are mainly two values that are associated with any variable. RValues. LValues. Let's see what all these means. RValues - We know that a variable has some data associated with it, and we can read, write this data, this data that we read and write is termed as RValue. You can also think of RValues as Read Values or as a simple trick from me to you, you can think of as the right side values of assignment opeartor(=) . LValues - We Also know that these variables ...